Your metabolism isn't broken,

it just needs some love.

Learn how to implement the four pillars of metabolic health to fire up your metabolism, regain your energy, and finally feel good again!

Learn more!

Sluggish metabolism? No energy?? 

If you feel like you've tried everything and nothing helps, download this free guide to learn how to build healthy meals to support a strong metabolism and all-day energy! You'll get a quick lesson on macros, micronutrients, meal ideas, and 80+ food swaps to make in your kitchen! If you're looking for a lifestyle change - this is it, let's do it!

Get Your Free Guide

Download and start making changes today! 


Hi, I'm Stefani!


I'm a wife, mom of two girls, and registered dietitian. I've worked as a functional medicine practitioner for the last 7 years helping hundreds of clients resolve problematic symptoms, reach their health goals, and regain their passion for healthy living. 

I call myself a 'holistic' dietitian because I do not fit within the traditional field of dietetics - I believe there is more than "eat less and exercise more" and we can use the power of food as medicine to live a healthy, thriving life. 

I run the Metabolism Reset method, create custom nutrition & lifestyle protocols based functional labs, and LOVE sharing healthy recipes to inspire you daily.

Your Guide to a Healthy Metabolism 

Download my free metabolism guide with meal ideas & 80+ food swaps to make in your kitchen! 


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